CEO's Letter
As a company, we are always eager to meet new clients and explore new business opportunities. We, the Min-Shian Industrial Company, specialize in manufacturing aftermarket aluminum alloy automotive wheels.
Our company history: the Min-Shian Industrial Company was founded in 1974 as an aluminum ingot recycling plant in Taiwan. In 1985 we shifted our production to aluminum cast wheels and aluminum die-cast products. In 1990 and 1994, to keep in pace with the increasing market demand, we expanded our production capabilities and established our Xiamen Min-Shing plant and Shanghai Gou-Shing plant respectively. Today, our products continue to be shipped to all parts of the world.
We are proud of our history and our standing within the industry, we credit our success to our longstanding relationships with our clients. The two promises we keep with all our clients are to promise the quality of our products and the quality of our service. Furthermore, we also view ourselves as a space of innovation, always open to new cooperation with our clients. These are the three pillars of our mission statement.
It is always a pleasure.
Shootay Wu- CEO